Testing your pool water regularly not only helps you detect small imbalances but also allows you to save money before a small problem escalates into something larger. It keeps your pool looking pleasant and prolongs its lifespan.  When your pool comes in contact with chlorine, it helps in getting rid of bacteria and exposure to  Read More

  Doing it the right way can mean the difference between a summer of fun and a summer of headaches! Follow these easy and important steps to ensure a smooth, carefree pool opening in the spring. And remember, your local BioGuard® Dealer is always ready to assist with information tailored to your specific pool care  Read More

Today there are over 10 million residential pools in the United States alone, and it’s estimated that an average pool of 10,000 to 15,000 gallons will lose the entirety of its liquid contents every year due to pool water evaporation. While some pool owners may have accepted water loss as part of the cost of  Read More